Recent Blessings

I seem to have fallen behind on blogging lately, as the past month or so has been particularly eventful. However, I am back and ready to give a full update. Let's jump in!

On Sunday, October 15, 2017, Sara and I officially became members of the church we followed our pastor to this past summer. The congregation was so warm and welcoming, we felt so loved and embraced. We knew we loved the church, but as soon as we joined it felt even more like home. The amount of love and peace among the church as a whole is incredible, and I'm so glad to call it our home church

Sunday, October 22, 2017, I proposed to Sara. I had been planning this for some time, and had been trying to plan for the right occasion, location, time, day, etc. Prior to that weekend, I knew I didn't want to wait any longer. I had planned to do it on Sunday, as Sunday is our favorite day of the week. That Sunday morning as we sat in church, without knowing my plans, Rev. Wren mentioned "putting a ring on it" during her sermon, and I knew that was yet another big thumbs up that I had chosen the perfect day. Sara leaned over to me and said, "are you taking notes here?" She had no idea what I had up my sleeve for the day. Later that day, I waited for the right moment to set the scene, and I shocked the hell out of her. She was so surprised. She cried, I cried, and it was an absolutely amazing experience. Oh, and she said "yes!"

Then, the following Sunday, October 29, 2017, as we were making our way home from church and Costco, we decided to stop by Petsmart to check out the rescues that were up for adoption. This isn't out of the ordinary for us, as we like to stop in and pet the pups and cats quite frequently. I spotted this sweet little curled up, sleeping pup and called Sara over to look at her. Before I knew it, the pup was leashed up and we were taking her for a walk. I immediately thought to myself, "my God, we are going home with a puppy today...a BIG puppy." Next thing I know, we are filling out the adoption form, and became the proud new parents of a 6 month old, 50 lb, blue Pit. What the hell were we thinking? We've clearly lost our minds. So, now, we have 3 dogs, and one badass cat. We named the new pup Agnes, and she is just as wild as she is precious.

Then, on Tuesday, October 31, 2017, I placed an offer on a house Sara and I had been keeping an eye on. We looked at it a few months ago when it was on the market, and we found out recently that it was taken off the market but that the sellers were still looking to move/sell. I then spoke to a couple of lenders and obtained a pre-approval letter to submit with an offer. However, just yesterday I retracted my offer due to difficulties with the sellers. Nonetheless, we are going to purchase soon, we just have to find the right house, at the right time, with the right sellers. It will all come together.

Finally, just yesterday I got the courage to inform my godparents that I am trans, and am in the process of transitioning (even though I feel it has become obvious). I wrote a very raw, personal email explaining it to them as best as I could of my being transgender, the difficulties in coming to terms with it, and how liberated and confident I feel about having allowed myself to accept who I am. After clicking "send" I was immediately relieved, just to have put it out there to them. I've not gotten a response yet, but I'm trying not to let it cause me any anxiety. I hope they read my words and are able to feel my authenticity and vulnerability.

Woah, what a month! Joined a new church, got engaged, got a puppy, almost bought a house, and came out to the only people I had yet to come out to thus far. So many blessings in so little time.

"You don't have to swing hard to get a home run. If you got the timing, it'll go." Yogi Berra

Thanks for reading. Be kind and respect one another.


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